
Hello! My name is Teri Heidemeyer, I am the artist known as DegoPunk.

I’m most often found doodling on my deck in Wyoming, listening to music on my headphones louder than the acceptable levels for hearing safety. I strongly believe art and music (as well as coffee) are vital to ones well being. My musical taste and my art are both eclectic most likely due to being raised on 50’s Sci-fi, 60’s Rock, 70’s martial arts flicks and 80’s horror. I love word play and puns and poking fun at those who think they run the world. I came of age when punk music was a movement and not a fashion line and I have kept that energy and mindset with me over the years.

You can yell and fight but you also have to laugh at just how ridiculous the world is. When not drawing requested/commissioned work I lean toward political art or portraits, my favorite being portraits of music and pop culture icons I find amusing or inspiring. I love drawing people but would gladly push them out of the way to draw their dog. Yes, I’m that person that can’t remember my neighbors names yet I know every one of their dogs. I believe we all need to approach life with a positive mental attitude and surround ourselves with people, activities, images, and music that brings us joy and inspires us to do more. My goal with my art is to make people think, smile, and share with others. 

"Never fight an artist . . . They can always draw blood"

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